11:30 p.m., the American Red Cross, Upstate South Carolina Chapter, received a call that victims of the Taylors Crossing apartments were in need of assistance due to a fire that gutted nearly 20 units and caused a degree of damage to another 10.
Four highly trained volunteers left their homes in the middle of the night to respond to the needs of the victims offering hope and the sense that a better day will soon dawn when the sun begins to rise.
At 1:00 a.m., the mood amongst the victims was somber. Daddies were holding their children close, neighbors were hugging neighbors, one young mother sat alone, clutching a photo of her eight month old daughter who was safely sleeping at a friends house. The mother told the story of a knock that came in the night awakening her to dark smoke and the chocking smell of fire. She had just enough time to grab her shoes and the photo she held so tenderly while her husband grabbed the child. Together, all three rushed out the door to safety.
The Chief of the Taylors Fire Department told of the heroic act of two firefighters that propped ladders against the burning building to rescue an elderly victim who would not leave her apartment until her dog was safely removed. The firefighters rescued the dog and returned for the victim. The victim was carried down the ladder and safely evacuated to a nearby hospital where she was treated for smoke inhalation.
Amazingly, no victims or firefighters were seriously injured in this fire. Many who lost there homes and possessions have begun to make there way into the Red Cross to begin rebuilding their lives with the assistance of the Upstate Red Cross. Some victims will need food, shelter, medications and emotional counseling. All of which can be provided by the Red Cross because of the generosity of the Greenville community.
Upstate residents trust the American Red Cross with their financial contributions as a means of caring for their friends and neighbors. Highly-trained staff will provide only the assistance needed based on the individual victims disaster-caused needs.
Individual house fires and multi-unit fires are the Upstate's number one disaster. This scenario has played itself out 271 times across the Upstate this year. For this one disaster alone, the Red Cross will commit approximately $20,000 in assistance to the victims. The victims of last nights apartment fire have 951 predecessors who have received over $260,000 in disaster assistance; all of which is provided free of charge to the victim.
We are honored to serve the victims across our community, but we need the help of Upstate residents to ensure the continued and effective delivery of service to these victims and the victims of disasters yet to come. We urge the community to get involved and make a difference by making a financial contribution to the Upstate chapter. Contributions can be made by calling (864)271-8222 or by logging onto upstatescredcross.org and making a secure, online contribution.