The American Red Cross of Upstate South Carolina serves Greenville, Abbeville, Anderson, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, and Pickens Counties.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Upstate volunteers help Katrina relief effort

Two volunteers, Joe Hawkins and Wayne Deitz, left on Sunday morning driving the Emergency Response Vehicle. They went to Little Rock where they will be dispatched to an affected area. Three more volunteers will be leaving on Tuesday.

Gary Yearwood will go to Montgomery, AL, where he will be sent to an affected area to work as a computer technologist. You can read more about Gary's work in today's Greenville News.

Frances Thompson is going to Houston where he will be assigned to a shelter operation and Jean DuRant from Anderson is going to Falls Church, Virginia, where she will be working at the call center. We may have more volunteers leaving in the next day or two.

You can make a donation here.

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