The American Red Cross of Upstate South Carolina serves Greenville, Abbeville, Anderson, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, and Pickens Counties.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Disaster Volunteers Deploy: Assist Victims of Mill Fire

Posted by Brian Scoles, PR Director

Over the weekend, three Disaster Serivces Volunteers from the Upstate Chapter, deployed to help the victims of the J.P. Stevens Mill Plant 3 fire.

As a result of the fire, hydrochloric acid was released into the atmosphere in Great Falls, SC, causing over 1000 people to leave their homes. The Red Cross responded and opened a shelter to house evacuees and three volunteers from the Upstate Chapter moved into the shelter and assisted with government liaison work and individual client services.

The Upstate Chapter not only has a commitment to serve the residents of the Upstate, but our commitment extends to all South Carolinians and those who call America home.

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