The American Red Cross of Upstate South Carolina serves Greenville, Abbeville, Anderson, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, and Pickens Counties.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Oh What A Night

Posted by Brian Scoles, Chapter PR Director

I want to start off by thanking Amy Howard, our Director of Volunteers, for putting together an outstanding Annual Meeting. With the help of her volunteers, we had the largest attendance ever for an annual meeting.

This year, the American Red Cross celebrates 125 years of service to the people of the United States. That was the theme for last night's celebration. Many awards were given to chapter volunteers for their dedication and passion for serving their neighbors here in the Upstate and for some, their service to the nation during times of large-scale disaster. With out our volunteers, the Upstate Chapter and the American Red Cross as a national organization could not perform its service to the nation.

Pat's Seventeen Piece Swing Band created the atmosphere for the evening as people strolled through history looking at memoribilia of the Red Cross' service to the nation during times of war and peace. Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross and Henri Dunant, founder of the International Red Cross Movement, strolled through the crowd and talked about the significance of the Red Cross in providing aid to wounded servicemen and to those suffering the affects of a disaster both at an individual and national levels.

We elected new officers to our Board of Directors and nominated others for additional terms of service.

It was a great evening. We look forward to serving American for another 125 years.

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